33 Examples of the Cultures and Technologies of Wetlands in Japan
Wetland values, status and trends
33 Examples of the Cultures and Technologies of Wetlands in Japan
Edited by Tatsuichi Tsujii, Koichi Sasagawa
Lanuguage: English, Japanese
Published: 2012, ISBN: 978-4-9904238-6-5
This booklet is aimed for facilitating greater dialogue on the relationship between wetlands and people that will lead to the conservation and restoration of wetlands, community revitalization, capacity development and international exchange in Asia and in the world. It was published in “Inventory of Cultures and Technologies of Wetlands” project (2008-2011), which was funded by the Japan Fund for Global Environment of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. Original Japanese version is available.
As cultures of wetlands have evolved over long periods of time, they have taken on characteristics unique to that area. Therefore, at first glance they seem quite different. However, upon closer inspection, one can find numerous similarities as well. We have thus taken on the task of surveying a variety of cultures of wetlands throughout Japan, classifying them under ‘Cultures of Conservation and Restoration’; ‘Cultures of Wise Use’; and ‘Cultures of Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA)’. We also focused on the management and technologies supporting culture and how these can be transferred from one region to another, resulting in the creation of a national inventory with over 150 examples. At the same time we have conducted local inventories, which continue to this day. While working with local stakeholders there were increasing calls to create an easy-to-understand booklet. This publication presenting “33 Examples of Cultures of Wetlands” is thus our work-in-progress response.